“The devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, An arrow for the heart like a sweet voice.” - Lord Byron
“Oh, there is something in that voice that reaches The innermost recesses of my spirit!” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Have you been looking for just the right voice to bring your story to life? Do you love to listen to naughty adult bedtime stories? I will be pleased to do custom recordings of your naughty stories. $4 USD per finished minute. Recordings of a more extreme nature may be refused or charged at a rate of $5 per minute.
Many men love to write erotic stories and would love to have their stories read aloud by a sexy female voice but they don't know where to find ones to make recordings for them, or the girls they do find charge a high amount.
I would be happy to make your recordings for you from your script or story. Erotic stories, fetish, erotic hypnosis. Email me your script or story, I will read it, give you the approx. length I estimate it to be, then I can record it and have it back to you usually within 72 hours, depending on length.
I'm not only happy to do erotic audios, but non erotic ones as well if that is what you are looking for. Do check out my sister site, customvoicerecordings.com. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
Contact me
[email protected]